
General Te188 E-3/l-3 Tires

OTR Bias Multi-Purpose Earthmoving E-3/L-3 tire for Use on ADTs, RDTs, Loader and Scraper.


  • Wide ground patch
  • Bi-directional pattern with massive tapered tread bars
  • V.ply technology


  • For even wear and good surface interaction resulting in longer service life
  • Provides many gripping edges on soft and wet grounds
  • Leads to reduced vulnerability as well as protection against penetrations and impacts


Contact Us:

14400 Walnut Grove-Thornton Rd. Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: +1 (916) 776-1717

Store Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

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