
Goodyear Unisteel G149 RSA Tires

All-Position Rib tire for RV Applications.


  • Deep 20/32 tread depth with a high net-to-gross ratio
  • Penetration protectors in all grooves
  • Belt package construction
  • Straight, simple rib pattern


  • Helps increase wearable rubber for long tire life
  • Help resist stone cuts
  • Helps enhance footprint consistency and slip reduction for even wear with less scrub
  • Helps promote even wear


Contact Us:

14400 Walnut Grove-Thornton Rd. Walnut Grove, CA 95690

Phone: +1 (916) 776-1717

Store Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

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